Website Progress Review

As I’ve started developing the website I wanted to now review my progress. As of now the major structure and headaches of the website have been laid out.

I’ve been using ‘bootstrap’ to develop my stylesheets and web page structures. It’s been a long time since I’ve attempted doing so it took a little getting used to before I felt comfortable handling so much CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and HTML coding.

This was also the first time I have used so many JQuery plugins on a custom web page made without a Content Management System (CMS). So using JQueries plugins like Owl Carousel 2 with the cool Star constellation effects at the front of the website gives me a huge sense of inspiration to keep creating custom built websites.


I’ve setup the website temporarily on a test server before I move it to The website I’m working on is currently located at


This is the website so far. This was previewed in Google Chrome at a 1366×768 pixel resolution. It goes through what’s been worked on so far and is only an iterative view on the websites progress.

I’ve spoken to the client who finally provided the signature for the logo on his arrival back from abroad. He really liked the opening page but was beginning to feel the logo in the top left corner felt out of place. We decided to wait till next week to see if we still felt the same about it. I personally like it and feel it does fit well aesthetically. Almost liked a beautiful piece of canvas art being signed. Also as you scroll the signature follows you too.


This my up-to-date Kanban board now. On it will some of the tasks I’ll need to do finish skeletal structure of the website. The core of the work will be in implementing the Score-sheet section.

After speaking with the client he made me aware its a standard industry practice to give temporary links for people who purchase the score-sheet so they can’t send the link/product to other people. So in the system/solution I proposed in my research before instead of sending the score-sheet as a document in the email I will instead find a way to send a temporary link automatically generated for that individual client. The link would then have to expire after 12/24/48 hours.


So far it’s looking good and after some minor set backs with the Stylesheet I’ll be working through the Kanban board full of tasks.

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